Qualcomm Cafe S — Personal Review

Cafe S Burger (4-23-2015)


Periodically I am asked for my opinion of the burger at Qualcomm’s Cafe S.  Normally my response is something along the lines of “it will do in a pinch, but the wait to get one can be kind of long and if I have time to wait I would go elsewhere for a burger”.  It had been some time since I had eaten a Cafe S burger though, and with the choices at Cafe S today not really being to my liking, I decided to give the burger another shot.

I am sorry to report that the experience today reaffirmed my opinion.  The burger tasted like one of those pre-cooked burgers that you see sitting in a pan with water, that gets thrown on the grill to be warmed up at the last minute when someone places an order.  Just to be clear – – the burgers do not actually sit in a pan pre-cooked, they just taste that way.  You can see the cook pull a pre-formed, uncooked patty out of a drawer, throw it on the grill, and cook it right in front of you after you order.  But, for some reason it just comes out thin and bland.  The bun also is light and not very flavorful, and the fries suffer the same fate — a bit too thick and not crispy enough (and bland).

Personally I give the Cafe S burger a C or maybe a C-.  It’s not very expensive, but with this burger you get what you pay for.

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